It is with deep joy that I am to inform you of my new home. The sprawling manse now occupied by Brad, Natalie, and myself was previously occupied by Christians (shudder) but enough sinful acts have no doubt been performed within its walls since we took up residence a couple of weeks ago that it can now be officially confirmed as ours.
How to describe our Pleasuredome? As you enter it has a pleasant open space with chairs and a table that resemble those usually found in a waiting area. Until we can furnish this area with a sofa or the owner supplies us with a TV we will doubtless continue to sit here with the nagging feeling that something akin to a gastro check-up is awaiting us. However after expressing her desires for good mood lighting (a desire born from a childhood bedroom in eighteen tickety-boo fashioned with operating theatre strip lighting), Natalie has installed a string of illuminated balls that makes things altogether more bearable. For my part I have brought the ‘OCD lamp’ (it is covered in wicker triangles) gifted to me on my birthday by the gay teachers club. Both items enhance the area as does the raised gold cardboard impression of His Majesty on our patriotic calendar. We have a kitchen area which has already seen the effects of a bubbling pot of bolognese sauce. It also has a tiled work surface which our resident cat pe(s)t is partial to.
In our Pleasuredome we each have a bedroom all our own and a bed we each wish was not our own. Seriously, if I ever meet the sadist that made what could loosely be described as a bed and more accurately as a device designed to inflict muscular pain then they had better beware. I’d happily strap their sorry back to it and have myself some fun with them (and the painful part would be felt along their un-exposed spinal chord.) On the bright side the house enjoys plenty of sunlight and (occasionally) the odd cooling breeze. Brad has taken to scheduling waking-up so he is in synch with our neighbour taking a shower. As houses are so close together he tells me that many perving opportunities are afforded us, and I reply telling him that it is just a pity there are no hotties in this community worth having stake outs by the window for. Oh, and stop being a perv.
Along with the aforementioned cat pe(s)t there are a couple of other species which are a matter of concern and, fittingly, they only come out at night... Unfortunately the canines around us react to the slightest pin drop and when one of them begins to howl we get a chorus. At first seismic activity was suspected as the cause and we were momentarily worried, but now this has been ruled out and the temptation is to embark on some midnight poisoning. An altogether more sinister problem is that of the bat population. Far be it from me to be nervous of something smaller than I (in fact problems usually only occur when attempting to facilitate something bigger than I), but I do not enjoy these winged beasts f*cking with my head as they dive-bomb for it. Something must be done!
The last thing I will say about our Pleasuredome is that it is a great pleasure to be roomies with such Delightful Types. The relaxation factor is always very high and makes one yearn for the simple life devoid of work or material concerns. Natalie and I are primarily concerned with obtaining oral pleasure (putting things in our mouths as much as possible) while Brad and I have taken to late-night viewing of some choice material on the DVD player. Divine friendships!!!
Comments? Questions? Class you may be excused.
Homework: Shack-up student-style.
It is with deep joy that I am to inform you of my new home. The sprawling manse now occupied by Brad, Natalie, and myself was previously occupied by Christians (shudder) but enough sinful acts have no doubt been performed within its walls since we took up residence a couple of weeks ago that it can now be officially confirmed as ours.
How to describe our Pleasuredome? As you enter it has a pleasant open space with chairs and a table that resemble those usually found in a waiting area. Until we can furnish this area with a sofa or the owner supplies us with a TV we will doubtless continue to sit here with the nagging feeling that something akin to a gastro check-up is awaiting us. However after expressing her desires for good mood lighting (a desire born from a childhood bedroom in eighteen tickety-boo fashioned with operating theatre strip lighting), Natalie has installed a string of illuminated balls that makes things altogether more bearable. For my part I have brought the ‘OCD lamp’ (it is covered in wicker triangles) gifted to me on my birthday by the gay teachers club. Both items enhance the area as does the raised gold cardboard impression of His Majesty on our patriotic calendar. We have a kitchen area which has already seen the effects of a bubbling pot of bolognese sauce. It also has a tiled work surface which our resident cat pe(s)t is partial to.
In our Pleasuredome we each have a bedroom all our own and a bed we each wish was not our own. Seriously, if I ever meet the sadist that made what could loosely be described as a bed and more accurately as a device designed to inflict muscular pain then they had better beware. I’d happily strap their sorry back to it and have myself some fun with them (and the painful part would be felt along their un-exposed spinal chord.) On the bright side the house enjoys plenty of sunlight and (occasionally) the odd cooling breeze. Brad has taken to scheduling waking-up so he is in synch with our neighbour taking a shower. As houses are so close together he tells me that many perving opportunities are afforded us, and I reply telling him that it is just a pity there are no hotties in this community worth having stake outs by the window for. Oh, and stop being a perv.
Along with the aforementioned cat pe(s)t there are a couple of other species which are a matter of concern and, fittingly, they only come out at night... Unfortunately the canines around us react to the slightest pin drop and when one of them begins to howl we get a chorus. At first seismic activity was suspected as the cause and we were momentarily worried, but now this has been ruled out and the temptation is to embark on some midnight poisoning. An altogether more sinister problem is that of the bat population. Far be it from me to be nervous of something smaller than I (in fact problems usually only occur when attempting to facilitate something bigger than I), but I do not enjoy these winged beasts f*cking with my head as they dive-bomb for it. Something must be done!
The last thing I will say about our Pleasuredome is that it is a great pleasure to be roomies with such Delightful Types. The relaxation factor is always very high and makes one yearn for the simple life devoid of work or material concerns. Natalie and I are primarily concerned with obtaining oral pleasure (putting things in our mouths as much as possible) while Brad and I have taken to late-night viewing of some choice material on the DVD player. Divine friendships!!!
Comments? Questions? Class you may be excused.
Homework: Shack-up student-style.
x Teacher
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