Friday, 29 February 2008

Post XI - Leap of Faith


Did you know that February 29th represents a ‘Leap day?’ Leap Years were added to the modern calendar to keep it in alignment with the earth’s revolutions around the sun. 2008 has 366 days which means that today is one extra day given back... Sucks for people who were born on a ‘Leap day’ as their birthday only rolls around once in a while. But what it means for the rest of us is that we are gifted a day. Makes me think something special is needed.

So far today I have not achieved very much. I was up late last night marking exam papers and this distracted me so much that for the first time since I entered The Pleasuredome a couple of weeks ago I was left to face the prospect of sleeping on THAT BED without the aid of alcoholic intoxication. The only remedy I could find to knock myself out (and also knock one out in the process) was to reach for some Sangsom and relive the raunch of the Mexican film Y tu mamá también
with the delightful Gael García Bernal. When I awoke (and after clicking my spine back into place) I left and have made it so far as blogging with you. Plan was to head to Bangkok today for some r‘n’r but at some point I MUST sit down and complete my student grades. Teaching is thrilling sometimes, y’know? Thanks kids.

So now that I will be off to BKK tomorrow that leaves me in Lopburi with time on my hands and superstition on my mind. What can be done here that hasn’t be done before? Instead of making a major commitment to doing something, I am going to make a minor commitment to doing pretty much nothing. Pretty much. Rather than look at the big picture I will go small and have faith that I can fill my day with random notions requiring little effort and that make even littler sense…

…One thing I am often told is that I should smile more. Of course I live in ‘the land of smiles’ but actually smiling is quite a tricky thing to maintain when there isn’t necessarily anything to smile about. Not smiling here is frowned upon, yet lately my daily duties have been filled with tedious end-of-semester paperwork so I have not been as inclined to giggle along with the gays in my office. That will change this ‘Leap day.’ I will commit to walking home with a grin plastered across my face. I’m sure this will interest passers-by and the sellers on their food carts. Thus I will find out if smiling really does make a difference.

Another matter raising my attention lately is that I am unable to say “No.” That’s right students, as you know I am a giver but sometimes I find myself in compromising positions (read: sticky situations) because I cannot bring myself to refuse. I tell you “Yes! Yes! Yes!” is sometimes not the best answer. It can lead to terrible incidents such as detainment on long bus journeys, being forced into singing If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands to a packed auditorium of Thai students, or even (more concerningly) being videoed grinding one’s hips with a female student after being coerced into a dance routine… Yeech! Memories of Loei be gone. (BTW it is a mystery why these videos of farang never seem to turn-up even after repeated questioning… There is still one somewhere showing me in drag and on-stage shaking it as Beyoncé at a school English camp.) ANYWAY today I intend to remain non-committal, but given the ‘Leap’ I will change my response to any questions that come my way. “Maybe (baby)” is to be the final answer.

And now to Id / Ego / Superego for suggestions on how Teacher’s (precious) time woulda coulda shoulda be occupied…

Id: Honey it’s so sunny let’s do somethin’ funny. Stare up at the sun for a mo, blink wildly for a mo, and then close eyes tight to witness a variety of (exciting) blobs, stars, and flashes. ‘Leap’ time of approximately 2 minutes can then be spent making out shapes and wondering is mo’s Subconscious speaking?? Or is it just that lezzie Ego again….

Ego: As a lady of certain persuasion I can do irrational on occasion. It’s all about the mind, and the powers of the Psychosis could do with a work-out. My ‘Leap’ suggestion is to use that secret power of yours. Let’s focus on someone near – say the cute Thai guy giving his right hand a work-out over video games – and silently mind probe him into doing your bidding. Start small, maybe willing him to bend over… Where there’s a will there’s a way, right? Then it can be taken further with another kind of probing to satisfy Id. The law of averages dictates that sooner or later a mind command will come true (even if it is only that said guy turns to see a farang staring intensely and with cross-eyes) so keep faith and stay with the cause! ‘Leap’ time of approximately 5 minutes on offer here.

Superego: As you know I swing both ways so I offer a different perspective that requires a second helper. Think about it: you are a tall guy and this gives rise to much opportunity. Some are less fortunate. Be a giver this ‘Leap day.’ How about returning to The Pleasuredome, locating the cat pe(s)t and allowing It to see things from your point of view. Instead of Its usual 2' high sight, pick It up and give It a look at the world from your angle. Then reverse and take a look down there with It. Be a man, follow the pussy. ‘Leap’ time of approx. 10 minutes means I’m the winner!

So students, I have offered a whole heap of Leap possibilities for myself. How will you pleasure yourself today?

Comments? Questions? Class you may be excused.

Homework: Sleep for ‘Leap.’

x Teacher

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Picture Post - 'Bloomin' lovely.'


I bring you another exciting Picture Post, this one of a delightfully gay Sunday. Lady T and I accompanied some Thai friends into the local wilderness and the Lopburi sunflower fields. We communed with nature for a while and even found a giant sunflower to stick our heads through! We then took off and spent the evening at a Japanese fair. As you can see a super day was had by all.

Comments? Questions? Class you may be excused.

Homework: Lie down in your (flower) bed.

x Teacher

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Post X - Superego and the Superhero


A wise man once said that it’s sometimes beneficial to look back in order to go forward. That wise man was me. Unlocking the mysteries of Teacher’s mind is not what this blog is about, but skimming the surface and pricking one’s Ego is. As you now know, I used to be a Drama Type. During this eclectic period I came across many versatile techniques to get to the bottom of top-heavy questions. Such troubling questions included How come my body reacts orgasmically to the taste of a pitted olive? and Why must the show go on? The techniques for answering included downing a quart of r*m, poking a lot of b*m, and smoking some p*t for fun. Another proven (by Ms. Tabbayabbadingdoo) method was ‘Emotion Memory.’ Simply put, this involved using one’s Superego to feel your way around your past. For certain Drama Types this resulted in a bit of staring into the middle distance while whispering about a beloved pet hamster that passed on while also forcing a single tear to roll down the cheek. For others, the Superego produced some decidedly juicy gems. It just depended on the question…

As example of the above, I asked Superego a question earlier (leaving the other two headspace-occupiers out for this blog) and was surprised by an answer that may have far-reaching consequences for the future. May. The question: Whom was your first schoolboy crush? Students, in order for you to picture me in those student days I may tell you that I was the dog’s bollocks (English: pretty nifty) at dressing. I also moved with the times when it came to my looks. I moved from shellsuit --> repressed Christian --> hippy --> club boy --> goth (briefly) --> hollow-cheeked ‘artist’ --> Mulder from X-Files --> James Dean ‘rebel’ --> scarf-wearing Drama Type. Now I had thought the answer to this first crush question was very simple: Captain Kirk. But no, ‘Emotion Memory’ has finally revealed more. I would like Superego to explain in his usually insightful way:

Superego: As you know I do not swing both ways on the wills of men, “I will, I will, I will” is usually my answer (especially if Id is involved.) You might say I am as firm as the hand of God. But there are some who cause a stumble in my step. These types often have that special something, and as an impressionable pre-pubescent there was always one superhero whom I thought had it all. Step aside Captain Kirk for I would like to introduce another 60s icon, Captain Scarlet. As you can see from his picture, Scarlet is everything you could wish for in a man. He is a full 20 inches in length, is hard like wood, and blank of stare. His strings can be pulled any way you want, and he will never have a pissed off expression. Because he only has one expression. In addition Scarlet has a faux Cary Grant British monotone and his first name is Paul. He can be manipulated into operating any kind of heavy machinery, and he retains a stiff upper lip in a crisis. There is a reason for this however. The thing separating him from all other superheroes is that he is indestructible… You could turn a machine gun on him or blast him into space but he’d still come back, perfectly sanded-down and head screwed on. What a guy!

I’m not sure if what I wanted was to do Scarlet or be Scarlet. Doing Scarlet would mean I’d first have to sever his ties with Destiny Angel (hair of copper wire and voice of French polish) and his boy toy Captain Blue (all chiseled features though a bit of a plank.) I’d also have to hammer into shape his arch-enemies The Mysterons (think Stephen Hawking meets malevolent flashlight.) But it would all be worth it. Even the risk of splinters. To hold in my (one) hand that moral compass. On the (other) hand, being Scarlet would insure me against all manner of mishaps… I could race into compromising situations with spunk and vigour, most de rigeur in the knowledge of my phoenix-like triumph... To muse on these notions is good for the soul and Superego is happy using ‘then’ to find the answers to how in the ‘now.’ Though this Drama Type does not have a ‘Type’, that same Scarlet Type was found… One beloved ex was noticeably short, had jet black hair, heavy eyelids, could come off as plastic, and always came back no matter what… Ouch!* Be a man, Myster(on) man.

Comments? Questions? Class you may be excused.

Homework: Show me a gay superhero, geek!
* Seems after my catty comments above, the beloved ex in question is having the last laugh and is engaged. Congratulations! ...Gays getting married, whatever next?

x Teacher

Post IX - I Have Never


I find myself at the semi-regular (for me) junction in life where one wonders what to do next. There are of course many many opportunities for a semi-employable chap such as myself, but like Julia Roberts discovered in My Best Friend’s Wedding, reaching the 25+ wilderness of life requires one to take action and take back what you want. Unlike Julia Roberts (and her crazy nest of hair) I prefer to take action in matters of career not heart, and I find this leaves me devoid of psychotic bitch tendencies and/or the likelihood of making Cameron Diaz cry. Besides, why would anyone stalk that pouty ex of hers (and fiancé of Cameron) when she already has Rupert Everett on speed dial??? Priorities Julia. But I digress. In pondering what path to travel next I really have two options: stay in Lopburi and in the Pleasuredome (see previous post) or take my chances – and try again for another job – in Bangkok (see previous post.) I’m not sure at this point if I quite have the strength to return to the city and face more rudeness, so instead of being pro-active I will spend some time talking out of my navel with you dear students.

As mentioned I regrettably have reached the quarter century mark and this may (or may not) have launched me into my current series of existential episodes. One wonders what dreams are meant to be followed in the short time left…How one’s words and deeds can be assured of living on as time approaches one’s eventual extinction (especially as in my case no little junior’s will be left behind…) It seems apt then to save for posterity what has gone before. So I would like to introduce a psychoanalytical technique known colloquially as ‘I Have Never.’ Simply put all that is required is that the speaker (in this case Teacher) detail past deeds they have survived and then the captive audience (in this case Students) down a short of liquor if they have ever done the deed. At this point I authorize you to pull out your hip flask and pull out your moves. Work that drinking arm and exercise that trick jaw.

20 ‘I Have Never’s (in no particular order):

♂ Dated a millionaire. ♂ Trashed a hotel room like a rock star. Then bolted. ♂ Got the Romantic notion to run away from home on the back of a horse. ♂ Been stalked. ♂ Been a stalker. ♂ Done the kamikaze slide at a water park. ♂ Got a tattoo. ♂ Cooked and eaten haggis. ♂ Worked as PA to magician Paul Daniels (the glamour!) ♂ Been very naked in a very public place. ♂ Been robbed by a monkey. ♂ Drunkenly informed a (former) friend’s concerned mother that I had ‘A’ in her house. ♂ Been told off by police for ‘lewd’ behaviour. ♂ Ran for my city and swam for my county. ♂ Walked (almost) every trail and fell in the English Lake District. ♂ Survived a high(ish)-speed car crash (not my fault, either.) ♂ Caused a foreign tourist in my care to vomit out of terror. ♂ Broken someone’s heart x2. ♂ Stripped on-stage. ♂ Been so starved of money I starved myself and ate nothing but jam and pickles for two days.

Now all I have to do is pass some more time by thinking of things to do before I die... Students, I think I should confiscate that alcohol. It’s for the best.

Comments? Questions? Class you may be excused.

Homework: Sober up.

x Teacher

Post-It Note - Some words to accompany the job that you can stick up your arse


I would never endorse the action known as ‘selling out.’ If I wanted to do a job just for the money I can think of some much nobler pursuits to put my body and mind to work on than teaching. But lately the lure of more money has joined the lure of moving on, traveling somewhere new, and/or living in a more metropolitan locale as debating points of Id / Ego / Superego. Of course in most ways and for most of the time I am perfectly happy and settled where I am. I intend to change my job for next semester as the university has proven rather demanding of my time and reserves of patience, especially after what I would conservatively call a ‘challenging’ trip to Loei the other week (even though I did get to do some theatre directing amid my duller duties.) I could remain here in Lopburi and build on what I’ve got. Or I could take a chance and explore somewhere new. These are the types of questions that vex Teacher daily when without more intimate ways to pass the time, and in a bid to avoid the heat stroke. Life is tough y’all...

ANYWAY I applied for several jobs last week before ruling out most of them as impractical. But one job based in Bangkok made me begin to wonder. The salary was good, it sounded central so the sky train could be a travel possibility, it was a language school so I could teach the same students regularly, and the weekday hours began from mid-afternoon so the famed Bangkok nightlife could be appreciated (only on occasion of course.) And living in the city might be a break from the limitations found living in the (almost) countryside. Could this all be too good to be true? The short answer is yes. Before knowing this however I accepted the invitation to visit for interview…

At this point I must tell you that though in this blog I occasionally seem… narked (English: as irritating as celibacy) in polite company I am usually a joy and a delight. Never do I moan or complain; always I choose perfect politeness, diction, and chivalry to camouflage any fleeting annoyances. Well. Almost always. But the two things that threaten to send this picture of calm into meltdown are impoliteness and others being disrespectful. It is not because I consider myself better or more worthy of respect than others, but I seriously think it is a basic human right of all to enjoy being spoken to with thought and a following of proper social codes. When this (infrequently) does not happen for me (particularly when I am obeying the rules myself) is when I have to make sure that person is ‘told.’

I’m sad to say that this whole problem arose with the interviewer I had the displeasure of meeting in Bangkok – sorry Bangna – an area of the city that could at best be described as an industrial park miles from anywhere and at worst as a littered concrete jungle. That I had been required to wake up and travel at some ungodly time (with a hangover) possibly played into my perception of events, but really there was no excuse for the rudeness I encountered during questioning for a job I quickly discovered I had no interest in. Students you might see the following e-mail that I sent post-interview as a little ‘sharp’ and believe me that is the intention. Take this either as a warning or as a call to arms on the war against w*nkers who think they know better. They never do.

Comments? Questions? Class you may be excused.

Homework: Pick up your poison pen and get scribbling.

x Teacher


Following my interview today I would like to withdraw from your consideration for a teaching post with English For All. I got the impression that I am not the type of teacher you are looking for anyway, but I must say I found your approach both presumptuous and rude. I would expect the type of pointed closed questioning you used in an interview for a job in recruitment or some other high-powered role, but for what I could see as a modest language school I just found it totally unnecessary.

Maybe being in the 'land of smiles' has made me forget that employers can be so unreasonable. I don't mean to be insulting but you no doubt saw how I very quickly lost all interest in putting myself across favourably or asking any questions. Believe me, I am a committed teacher - I consider teaching as my career and am keen to develop my skills. But I was a bit affronted when you insinuated that I had little experience - I would not call training in two English comprehensives, being the first foreigner to teach staff and students in a rural Thai middle school, or lecturing to EFL students in majors covering reading and writing structures, communicative English, and psychology as little experience. That is not to mention my commitment to evening classes in the local language school, leading workshops for tourist police, and managing extra-curricular drama classes.

I very much enjoy teaching work and am comfortable in what I do. I like to work hard and am rigorous in my planning and preparation. Unfortunately it seemed to me you were more concerned about picking holes in my experience than asking me questions about my teaching philosophy or classroom manner. I had a file of resources, lesson plans, and student work I would have been happy to show you if you had. I hope that you find the right candidate for the role, but I would seriously suggest you reconsider your managerial style.


Social Update - The Pleasuredome


It is with deep joy that I am to inform you of my new home. The sprawling manse now occupied by Brad, Natalie, and myself was previously occupied by Christians (shudder) but enough sinful acts have no doubt been performed within its walls since we took up residence a couple of weeks ago that it can now be officially confirmed as ours.

How to describe our Pleasuredome? As you enter it has a pleasant open space with chairs and a table that resemble those usually found in a waiting area. Until we can furnish this area with a sofa or the owner supplies us with a TV we will doubtless continue to sit here with the nagging feeling that something akin to a gastro check-up is awaiting us. However after expressing her desires for good mood lighting (a desire born from a childhood bedroom in eighteen tickety-boo fashioned with operating theatre strip lighting), Natalie has installed a string of illuminated balls that makes things altogether more bearable. For my part I have brought the ‘OCD lamp’ (it is covered in wicker triangles) gifted to me on my birthday by the gay teachers club. Both items enhance the area as does the raised gold cardboard impression of His Majesty on our patriotic calendar. We have a kitchen area which has already seen the effects of a bubbling pot of bolognese sauce. It also has a tiled work surface which our resident cat pe(s)t is partial to.

In our Pleasuredome we each have a bedroom all our own and a bed we each wish was not our own. Seriously, if I ever meet the sadist that made what could loosely be described as a bed and more accurately as a device designed to inflict muscular pain then they had better beware. I’d happily strap their sorry back to it and have myself some fun with them (and the painful part would be felt along their un-exposed spinal chord.) On the bright side the house enjoys plenty of sunlight and (occasionally) the odd cooling breeze. Brad has taken to scheduling waking-up so he is in synch with our neighbour taking a shower. As houses are so close together he tells me that many perving opportunities are afforded us, and I reply telling him that it is just a pity there are no hotties in this community worth having stake outs by the window for. Oh, and stop being a perv.

Along with the aforementioned cat pe(s)t there are a couple of other species which are a matter of concern and, fittingly, they only come out at night... Unfortunately the canines around us react to the slightest pin drop and when one of them begins to howl we get a chorus. At first seismic activity was suspected as the cause and we were momentarily worried, but now this has been ruled out and the temptation is to embark on some midnight poisoning. An altogether more sinister problem is that of the bat population. Far be it from me to be nervous of something smaller than I (in fact problems usually only occur when attempting to facilitate something bigger than I), but I do not enjoy these winged beasts f*cking with my head as they dive-bomb for it. Something must be done!

The last thing I will say about our Pleasuredome is that it is a great pleasure to be roomies with such Delightful Types. The relaxation factor is always very high and makes one yearn for the simple life devoid of work or material concerns. Natalie and I are primarily concerned with obtaining oral pleasure (putting things in our mouths as much as possible) while Brad and I have taken to late-night viewing of some choice material on the DVD player. Divine friendships!!!

Comments? Questions? Class you may be excused.

Homework: Shack-up student-style.

x Teacher

Post-It Note - My Bloody Valentines


It is a fact that I am not a fan of St. Valentines Day. I think it is utterly unnatural that for one day out of 365 much of the population believes it acceptable to forget all past crimes of the heart in exchange for a fluffy red teddy bear or some obscenely saccharine love note. Students, believe me when I tell you it actually is all just a ploy by the marketing industry to extort cash from every poor sap who wants to follow the crowd and prove to themselves and others that they are not unlucky in matters of the heart. Sounds far-fetched? Well unfortunately it's true.

I may also tell you that a quite nasty and infamous incident occured on February 14th 1929 and this is quite conveniently forgotten amid all the hearts and flowers. It involved the Capone gang of Chicago. In an effort to 'off' seven of his rivals in the North Side gang, Al arranged for them to rendezvous at a local garage. They were lured by way of the promise of some bootleg whisky, and upon entering were lined up by gang members dressed as police officers. Thompson sub-machine guns were then produced and quite a mess was apparently left following the slaughter of the North Side gang whom were all dressed in their best suits. In actuality there were found to be seventy machine gun bullets and two shell casings left from shotgun blasts. You may also remember how the incident caused Joe and Jerry to head off on the run, don some (rather convincing) drag and fall for the charms of 'Sugar Kane' Kowalczyk / Marilyn Monroe. My point is for some February 14th can sometimes not be all that peachy.

ANYWAY I can only assume that this year my postal delivery has been delayed en route to Thailand, but in its absence I was treated to a card passed on from one of friend Brad's students. I can tell you that this card neatly sums up two things: firstly this is the type of card I'd prefer to receive as opposed to poetry or cute fluffy things, and secondly as an insight into the Thai mentality when it comes to romance this is particularly accurate. Above is the front cover and below the inside. Thank you to Tharatorn Nimitmuenwai of 5/19...
...I have also added a Thai song that I always enjoy and think is probably saying something romantic. I asked my students for the meaning behind the song but they said it was difficult to explain - this may mean they do not want to explain to me. Nevertheless I am certain that in their song Mai Roo Jak Chun Mai Roo Tak Tur the vocalists Da and Pop are in love for all of the right reasons. And if not, at least they have sweet voices to express their pain.

Comments? Questions? Class you may be excused.

Homework: Eat some heart for dinner.

x Teacher